Wednesday, October 25, 2006

European ministers discuss terror

By Paula White,
WNS UK Senior Correspondent

LONDON - Challenging extremist ideas and finding ways to pre-empt terror attacks will be discussed when six European interior ministers meet in the UK. Home Secretary John Reid will host his counterparts from Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Poland for two days. The ministers will also discuss how to encourage dialogue with Muslim communities, international organised crime and illegal migration.

The Home Office said the meeting would "explore how they can work together". The meeting was aimed at sharing ideas and "best practice" rather than taking concrete decisions, it said. On Thursday, the ministers will discuss how to shut off illegal immigration routes and how to work with unspecified third countries to control migration flows. They will also debate how to reduce the harm caused by organised crime, including value added tax (VAT) fraud and trafficking of drugs and people.

Known as the G6, the group has no formal decision-making powers, nor any direct impact on EU policy, but they do show the position of the countries which together account for three-quarters of the EU's population. The G6 meeting comes just days after counter-terrorism officials revealed their belief that al-Qaeda has become more organised and sophisticated and has made Britain its top target. The G6 group was established in 2003 - initially as G5 before Poland joined - and meets two to three times a year. The meeting is being held in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.


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