Monday, October 16, 2006

Russia cadets hit in road carnage

By Niki Owen,
WNS Moscow Correspondent

MOSCOW - Six Russian cadet soldiers were killed and at least 19 others injured when a suspected drunken driver ploughed into them as they marched along a road. They were part of a column of about 190 returning to a training camp near the western city of Ryazan late at night. A Lada car hit the group at high speed, according to reports. Police and prosecutors said the 21-year-old driver was "in a state of strong alcoholic inebriation" and did not have a driving licence.

The third-year cadet paratroopers from Ryazan Airborne Troops College were on a 60km march back to a camp near the city at 2300 local time (1900 GMT) when the incident happened. The cadets were reportedly on a road 30 metres (yards) wide, with broad verges. They had been wearing reflective orange jackets and had gestured to the car with torches. But the driver did not respond and suddenly lost control, ramming the column of troops, Itar-Tass news agency said. There were four or five other people in the car besides the driver - all allegedly drunk. Itar-Tass said they tried to escape after the crash but were captured by police officers. Observers say fatal road accidents are frequent in Russia and that drivers often abuse alcohol.


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