Sunday, November 12, 2006

Britain's top cop to be cleared over Brazilian shooting: report

By Tarry Ben,
WNS UK Correspondent

LONDON - Britain's most senior policeman is to be cleared by a report out this week into the death of a Brazilian man mistakenly shot on suspicion of being a suicide bomber, The Sunday Times said. The newspaper quoted unnamed "senior sources" at London's Metropolitan Police as saying Commissioner Sir Ian Blair is "in the clear" over claims he lied to the public after Jean Charles De Menezes' death on July 22 last year. British police watchdog the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) opened an inquiry into Blair following a complaint from the dead man's family, who accused him of a cover-up and called for him to resign.

Blair said he was not aware that De Menezes was not a suicide bomber until 24 hours after the fatality, at Stockwell Underground train station in south London. According to The Sunday Times, the IPCC is to deliver its "Stockwell Two" report this week and Blair will be exonerated of breaking the senior police officers' code of conduct. The IPCC completed a separate probe into the circumstances surrounding the 27-year-old electrician's death - "Stockwell One" - but prosecutors said in July that no officers involved in the shooting would face criminal charges. Instead, they charged the Metropolitan Police as a whole under health and safety laws for failing to provide for the health, safety and welfare of De Menezes.

The case is currently ongoing. De Menezes' death came a day after an alleged failed attempt to replicate the suicide attacks on London's public transport system two weeks earlier that killed the four Islamist extremists and 52 innocent commuters.


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