Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Russian ambassador 'not surprised' Poland is blocking EU accord

By Hala Stevenson,
WNS Russia Correspondent

MOSCOW - The European Union should not be surprised that Poland has become a stumbling block to a new EU-Russia accord, Russia's ambassador to the European Union said on Monday. "There is truly a need for consensus here, and it has been blocked by Poland. But I can't say that it came as a surprise," Vladimir Chizhov said in comments on the Rossiya television station. "We warned our partners in the EU about the difficulties the EU expansion of two years ago might bring," he said. "We wish success to our partners in this problem."

Poland announced on Monday that it would use its veto against the launch of negotiations on a new EU-Russian partnership agreement until there is a "clear political signal" from Moscow that it will accept Warsaw's demands on trade and energy. Poland is taking a tough line to pressure Moscow to ratify an international energy charter and lift its embargoes on Polish meat and plant products.

The 24 other EU member states are hoping to formulate an initial position on a new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Moscow ahead of a European Union-Russia summit on November 24 in Helsinki. Russia won't lift its embargo on certain Polish foodstuffs until veterinary services there put an end to continued "violations", a Russian food security official said in Moscow on Monday.


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