Monday, December 11, 2006

Swedish king crowns Nobel winners

By James Beck,
WNS Sweden Correspondent

STOCKHOLM - Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustav handed gold medals and diplomas to this year's Nobel laureates for literature, economics and the sciences on Sunday, with US winners scooping all but one of the honours. Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk was the only non-American on the all-male list of winners at the ceremony in Stockholm, taking the literature prize. The prize for chemistry went to Roger Kornberg of the US. He attended his first Nobel ceremony in 1959, aged 12, when his father Arthur received the Nobel prize for medicine. Arthur Kornberg duly accompanied his son at Sunday's prize-giving.

John Mather and George Smoot shared the prize for physics for their work on the origins of the universe, while the medicine award was also shared, this time by the geneticists Andrew Fire and George Mello. The other US laureate was Edmund Phelps, who received the Nobel Prize for Economics for his research on inflation and growth. As well as the medals and diplomas handed over by the king, each prize bears a cheque worth 1.1 million euros (US$1.45 million), which is split in the case of joint winners.

Earlier on Sunday, the pioneering Bangladeshi micro-credit banker Muhammad Yunus received the Peace Prize at a ceremony in Oslo, where the Norwegian Nobel Committee which allocates that prize is based. The award ceremonies are held on the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, the scientist and industrialist who set up the prizes in his will. The Stockholm ceremony was due to be followed by a gala dinner and ball in the town hall, attended by members of the royal family and the Swedish government.


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